Blogging for Dollars

A Bonus Blog on Blogging

Your blog is a success. Comments and feedback are positive. Someone mentions that you should charge for all of the good information you are dispensing for free. But can you really make money from a blog? The answer is a resounding yes!

Blogging Communities

Check out A friend tipped me off to this blogging community. With Associated Content and, bloggers accept assignments, develop a following, and get paid each time someone reads the blog. Income is generated on a per-click basis, so it takes a LOT of clicks to generate significant income. The upside is exposure, and the ability to link to other sites and blogs. This is a good way to achieve that organic growth we mentioned before.

Blogging for DollarsMonetize your blog

Some bloggers are absolutely against making money by selling products or services on their blogs. Others see monetization as a natural extension of their business. Check out Google’s AdSense, which places advertisements on your blog, and pays on a per-click basis.

Ask for donations

If you are blogging for a cause or charity, ask for donations to help promote it (and pay your expenses). Insert a link to PayPal in a strategic location to provide a secure way to contribute. One thing to keep in mind with donations: be upfront with your readers about what percentage of their donation goes to the cause itself.

Consider freelance writing for corporate blogs

The market is booming for writers who can help develop and maintain a voice for those who want an online presence, but are too busy to write. Freelance writers need to be savvy when it comes to negotiating corporate contracts. I came across this gem as I was looking into the “blogging for dollars” concept.

Blogging for perks

Some companies provide products or services for review. These range from something as simple as a can of soup to high end electronics. While these items aren’t bankable, it is an easy way to score cutting edge technology, free travel opportunities or other valuable services. This blog gave an easy explanation on joining affiliate programs to blog for perks.

There is a wealth of information regarding blogging for dollars, and maybe someday I will consider adding it to my product line. Checkout,, the WM Freelance Writers Connection and Writing for Your Wealth for smart tips on using your blog to generate revenue.

Next week: Check out the product I am testing for one of my clients! Watch out as I take to the streets of NYC on an electric bicycle!

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